Saturday, January 26, 2008

Taking Classes Online

Because I am married and have three children, also work full time, taking online classes is so comfortable for me. I can stay at home with my family and not have to worry about a babysitter or someone else to cook for my wonderful husband.

However, there have been classes that were somewhat difficult because when I don't understand something and send an email for help, at times the feedback did not come when I expected it to. I had to wait a day or two in my last class at times for a response. Eventually, I did get the help I needed.

Since it's winter time, I don't have to drive out in the snow for class but could stay in the comfort of my own home and do my class assignments.

I have also learn more about technology while taking online classes. My computer is actually becoming a close friend of mine.

Working on blackboard is helpful especially when group members are in different cities. The communication is still getting through and the assignment is getting done. I have learned so much about my computer since taking online classes.

Also, online classes helps me to discipline myself to get an assignment done in timely matter. I also, like the fact that the classes doesn't last 15 weeks but 7 or 8 weeks. This mean I can graduate sooner. smile

How do you view online classes? Do you see it as an advantage or disadvantage?


Jennifer said...

I agree with you! I really like the idea of taking classes online and attending classes as well. I have enjoyed the other classes that I have had so far and am looking forward in completing the rest of what is necessary in order to get my Master's. I am a visual person and really need the additional support from our teachers to be able to "show" us what we exactly need to do in order to complete assignments. This class is hard as well, completing all that is necessary within a four week time limit is difficult. I do like the idea of using more technology, but no one is here to help me or "teach" me how to do something--I am basically learning everything on my own! If I don't get it the first time, I just keep on trying until I actually understand something (even if it takes all night to do so). I sure hope I will be able to get all that is necessary complete prior to our last meeting of class-which includes what? Oh, let's see-all of our "saved" journal entries, a completed lesson plan that has to deal with teaching a specific something to our own students (& present it to the whole class), and take a final essay exam! Man--I sure hope I can do it--and I very well will be completing assignments up until that very last day of course! We are busy and there is so much time during the day to complete everything. I just have to realize that even though there is a four week time block in between classes--I can't allow myself to wait until the very last minute!

Susan said...

I love taking online classes. I do find it difficult when I need help with an assignment and have to wait for the help, but for the most part, I would rather take online classes than drive to the campus. I live over 2 hours from the main campus, so it makes for a long day when I work, drive to campus, go to class, and drive back home. I look for classes that meet few times per semester to avoid the drive. I would rather drive a longer distance fewer times than spend 5 hours driving for each class period. I do agree that we have a lot of work to do in a short time period, but truthfully, that's one of the reasons that I took the class. I am excited about all of the things we need to learn in this class. I am also a little nervous that I won't be able to get them all finished.

CCrisp said...

I like how our classes are hybrid. It would be hard to go to class every week but I do like to go at least once to meet the instructor and my classmates, so for me the hybrid setting is a perfect blend. I can put names with faces (as a rule) and there is more of a sense of classroom community being able to meet at least once each class. Regarding the class, I feel a bit lost but a bit relieved hearing from many others that I am not alone in my lost feeling. Regarding the Wiki I thought we could gather some good information from the web on how Wiki's are used in education and then share with each other. It seems pretty simple to put the information into the Wiki.