Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ooooover Whelmed!!!!!!

Next Friday we meet again and there is still so much to do on my end. However, because of the blog sites, most of my questions have been answered. The problem is time. This class work requires so much of my time because this is all new to me. But, I am learning in the process. I am overwhelmed because I am working full-time, up through the night with my 8th month old baby girl, helping my 10 year old daughter and 9 year old son with their homework, cooking for the husband and children, plus church duties, along with this class, has gotten me ooooover whelmed. I am sort of looking forward to next Friday, because I need a vacation. My mind needs to rest. Is their anyone else feeling like their mind needs to take a little breather?


KB said...

Wow, you are extremely pressed for time. When I decided to pursue this masters program I thought it would be convenient. I am still subbing, which I thought would be perfect because I would have my evenings to myself. Well, I ended up in a long-term position the entier first semester, and I'm awaiting another long-term position for a woman who is pregnant. I spent most of my days (almost all day) doing the assignments. Blogging, web chats, google groups, wikis, journals. Not to mention the lesson plan and website I have yet to look at. Sometimes it makes me want to scream, and I am not working. I don't know how all of you that are working do it.

AFanning said...

I really enjoy all of this information that we have learned but finding the time is overwhelming. I work an hour away so I get up at 4:15 every morning and get home at 4, which I then pick up my 2 year old from day care and then make dinner. My husband gets home at 6 and then we eat. I usually work a little during my conference hour and do a little work between 8-10 at night. I definitely know how you feel!!!

Jennifer said...

I know exactly what you mean! I am in complete panic mode right now! Having a hard time with pretty much everything!!! YIKES! I sure hope I will be fine by the time Friday comes along! See you then! Good luck to you!

Angela's Space said...

How are you doing with everything? I am definitely feeling the time crunch. I hope you have a break to just step back and take a deep breath. I have had to do that several times lately, especially when I was working on my website. Good luck!

Second Grade Teacher said...

Dear Sheila, We are in the same boat, only you have 1 more child than I do! My son, is 8 mos. old as well. I have a great husband and am able to get lots of work done, but still miss my babies when I stay late at school to do coursework (I canNOT get anything done at home b/c my 3-year old baby girl comes down the basement steps and says Momma play with me when you're done on the "compewwter"!
You are doing a great job for the amount of time you have left each day for Masters coursework (or LACK of time!)Keep on keeping on!